Who Checks Tickets in Trains, TC, or TTE? Know the Difference Between the Two
There is hardly anyone who has not traveled by train and has not been ticket-checked during the journey.
But do you know who checks tickets in trains, TC, or TTE?
But do you know who checks tickets in trains, TC, or TTE?
Today through this news we will be aware of this information, as well as know the difference between TC and TTE.
First, let us tell you that both TC and TTE in railways check tickets, but their work areas are different.
Let us inform you that the ticket checking in trains is done by TTE, whose full form is Travel Ticket Examiner.
Whereas the work area of TC is not the train, he checks tickets on the railway platform.
The full form of TC is Ticket Collector.
For your information, if you travel by train without a ticket and are caught, TT can also impose a fine on you.